wood knot stick

About "WKS"

I used to work behind a desk, but that just "wood knot stick".
I've spent most of my adult career working a 9-5, and woodworking was just a hobby to pass the time. Things started off very simple - a very basic tool collection, a small space to work in (AKA the garage and the driveway), and no first-hand experience with carpentry or building.  Over the years, however, things slowly evolved into what WKS is today... a modest tool collection, a DETACHED garage space (woohoo!), and enough trial and error under my belt to be able to put out products I can be proud of. I'm still learning every day, but I hope to be able to share my creations with friends and strangers, alike. So browse around... send me a message... shoot over a request. No idea is too crazy, and the only limit is your imagination.